Posted by Rene Pennino on 25th Oct 2022
On October 25th, 2022, a solar eclipse will form at 2 degrees in the sign of Scorpio.
Solar eclipses occur when the Moon is in between the earth and the Sun, totally or partially obscuring the Sun.
Each eclipse occurs more or less at the same place after about 18 to 19 years (North and South Nodes). At this regular interval, each eclipse occurs approximately at the same place in the zodiac. The eclipse in Scorpio you are experiencing today happened 19 years ago and will repeat itself in about the same time period.
Astrologically, a solar eclipse is similar to a powerful New Moon. It marks the beginning of a new lunar cycle, as well as a new phase in a person's life. It's the time for beginnings, for sowing seeds, for embarking on new endeavours.
A lunar eclipse affects the natural order of things because it changes the earth's electromagnetic energy field as well as our own. As a result, it is common to experience unexpected events, changes in behavior, and reversals in our daily lives.
On the day of the eclipse, the Sun and the Moon are perfectly aligned in the sky. Even though it is the culmination point, its effects are felt 5-6 months before and after. Eclipses follow each other in a cycle.
We are all influenced by the energy of the Eclipses. Depending on how we live it, we may be conscious of the change (actors) or unconscious (spectators). Some people will be more affected than others. In the case of someone who has a planet at the same degree of the Zodiac as the eclipse (2 degrees Scorpio), the influence will be even stronger because the eclipse triggers the planet and big events are expected (good or bad) that year.
In concrete terms, what does a Scorpion Eclipse mean and what should I do about it?
The eclipse is agitating our minds, which should prevent us from making drastic decisions.
There is a possibility that the solar eclipse in Scorpio may bring up past issues, especially those that were experienced or reported during the previous eclipses (April 30, 2022 and May 16, 2022). There may be connections or marking events with parents (Sun : father, Moon : mother). People often see changes in their jobs or residences, financial difficulties, or relationship issues. There is no doubt that eclipses represent a new beginning, a sense of rebirth, but we must be careful not to act too hastily. Sowing seeds for a new project does not mean screwing up everything.
The key to doing well is to eliminate what no longer makes sense in our lives and make room for the new... in both body and mind.
During this eclipse, we are invited to do a work of introspection using Scorpion's hypersensitive and intuitive energy to avoid our negative patterns (our bad habits and behaviours that hold us back) and regain confidence in our potential.
This energy can accompany us in bringing "instinctive" changes to our daily lives when we are aware of it.
Now is the perfect time to listen to your intuition and make new resolutions. Be more attentive to our body and what we need. A Process that can help us to understand ourselves better internally and free ourselves from stress, emotional overloads, pressures that encumber us, as well as change our harmful habits. We might decide to diet, detox, exercise more, sleep more, introduce new routines into our daily life like reading 10 minutes a day, taking a cold shower in the morning, connecting with nature, putting away the phone... This is a time when you also need to rest. As part of our agenda, we must allow more time for ourselves, pacify our emotions, calm our minds, and be ready to deal with problems as they arise.
Scorpio is also the 8th house, the house of experiences and finance, and common finance. This is an opportunity to do something different, compared to financial matters involving other people, businesses, inheritances, investments and relationships with institutions.
The Sun and the Moon are next to each other and Venus is also aligned at this conjunction. We are therefore being pulled to all things Scorpionic and Venusian during this Eclipse and New Moon.
It is possible to be attracted to mysterious or magnetic people. Studying metaphysics or conducting research may be of interest. Above all, it is a powerful energy that asks us to think critically and analyze our relationship in general (emotional, friendly, family, professional).
This New Moon brings light and helps us to open our eyes to the harmful behavior of people around us who have an influence on us. It's time to ask yourself the question about what we are able to accept or not and it's time to change things!
Finally, we will want to live new experiences and experience passion!
To feel alive, to love, and to feel loved, we may want to spice up our relationship, but it can also be about making decisions about our relationships.
You can contact me at for more details about how eclipses may manifest in your chart.